I’m Dena
Many years ago, I had an epiphany that changed my outlook in life from that of a victim to one of an individual empowered by choice. Even though I had suffered plenty of evidence of victimhood throughout childhood and beyond, I knew deep inside somewhere that I was being guided to the highest good. It was a significant light bulb moment when I realized that I could choose how guidance would show up for me. Because guidance only got more painful when I fought it, I decided to start praying for guidance to show up as joy in my heart, so that I would easily recognize it. It felt joyous even saying it.
I have found since that the more I follow guidance, the more I say yes! to my joyous “intuition,” the more I experience joy in life. For me, creative expression is a most joyous experience; a constantly expanding adventure that I feel compelled to include in my daily life.
For many years, I have stated that my mission is “To act as a catalyst for growth and healing by following guidance and being of service.” Recently, I have come to a deeper understanding about what I am here to do, yet there remains a grain of truth to this initial statement. The statement itself acts like a seed, the irritation point in the oyster that causes the treasure in life.
I offer here on this website seeds of joy and peace. I share these works as blessings, each intentionally created in blissful present moments, to the power of joy. It is my hope that these images may catalyze growth and/or healing for you, if that is what you seek.

Where do the images come from? Many of my images contain faces or eyes. The reason is simple – everywhere I look, I see faces. I also see an interconnected similarity between the micro and macro worlds, the atoms and the galaxies, interior emotional reality and exterior reality. I am inspired by the peaceful order of that perception.
Following joy, I often play with different mediums. Each new media is informed by previous interactions and techniques. For example, when I started painting with transparent acrylics on canvas, I began by using what I had learned from years of painting watercolor on paper. No matter what the media, the techniques and the esthetic dovetail.
• M.A. in Fine Art (Sculpture, actually)
• Numerous exhibits in pop-up shows, galleries, museums, and coffee shops through the years.
• Taught art and creativity at colleges, in private, for arts councils and in schools (K-12)
• Multi creative pursuits include: drawing, painting, sculpture, glass, poetry, singer/songwriter, dancer.