How’s It Done?
The Medicine Wheel acts as a map for the Stones of Change reading. Every stone that makes up the circle has unique meaning, and is placed by direction and meaning in it’s particular spot on the circle. The inner stones that are all lined up nice and pretty in this photo are gathered up. After a short meditation, contemplating the questions and situations one wishes to consider, and infusing those stones with that energy, the stones are cast within the circle.
The reading is based on the relationships between the stones, wherever they land. To begin with, we look at the relationship of one casting stone to another, where in the Wheel the stone lands, as well as the relationship between the casting stone and the nearest circle stone. This is just the starting place. Next, we look at many other layers of relationships between stones and their placement in the map, digging deeper to discover the causes or underlying circumstances of the current situation.
Readings can be as simple or complex as one wishes to delve. I have whizzed through introductory 15 minute readings, and only stopped readings after almost 3 hours because of outside commitments
Connecting with the stones
Connecting with the stones, learning to know who and what they are, listening to them and discovering their message is central to being able to do a reading. Herein lies the strength and the beauty of the Stones of Change.
The Stones of Change is an open-ended process, which depends on your connection with your own stones, for the message to be expressed. Connecting with the stones, learning to know who and what they are, listening to them and discovering their message is central to being able to do a reading. Herein lies the strength and the beauty of the Stones of Change. Generally, with few exceptions, when one learns a divination system such as tarot, for example, there is a given set of cards with attendant meaning. There are many different system/sets of cards, yet they each come with a book which gives you the established meaning of that particular card. It is the same with other systems too, such as runes and even palm reading. With the Stones of Change, however, each stone you work with is individual. Their message is individual as well. And you discover that message in conversation with them.
There are way over 200 stones in my circle and readings. Every one of those stones have a particular meaning or role they play in the readings. People are always asking me how I could possibly remember all of these stones and what they individually mean. It is quite easy, really, because the stones are my friends. I know their faces and their personalities. I never forget a face, nor a person’s nature.
Begin to learn about the stones of my circle here.
Creative Mind
Creative Mind Stone A creative mind is the keystone to awakening and nurturing of your intuitive self. The creative mind stone sits in the North. She contains the rainbow of possibilities hidden within her cracked and chipped exterior. She is open in mind and spirit...
Emotional Rotor-Rooter
Emotional Roto Rooter The situation associated with Emotional Roto Rooter stone is just as uncomfortable as it sounds. Whatever situation this points at - there is a huge emotional upheaval happening. This is notice that it is an important cleansing process. If the...
Window of the Soul
Window of the Soul Window of the Soul is the stone that holds the energies of the West at the Western door: the place of emotions, the adult, dreamtime, and the element of water. When I first set up the circle this stone was insistent, and quite clear that it belonged...
Personal Power
Personal Power Stone The Personal Power stone dances in her power, instilled with visions and dreams arisen through her rooted feet and lifted up in exultation by natural attraction to the big ball of inspirations energy above. This stone speaks of being aligned in...
South – The Southern Dancer
Southern Dancer Stone The Southern Dancer is a fancy dancer - Rainbow woman. She reflects the Northern lights in her skirts, where they fold and mesmerize as she twirls and kicks to the drum beat of the Mother heart. The light is set free into its myriad colors by her...
South-East or Infusion
In my circle this crystal is a semi-rutilated citrine crystal. The black spikes are at its' base and the tip is a clear golden crystal The Southeast is marked here - the balance point between spiritual and physical. Here all physical impurities are infused and...
Whole and Perfect
Whole Perfect Stone The Whole Perfect stone has interior cracks in it which causes it to appear broken. It looks like it is missing a big chunk. In actuality, the surface of it is smooth and complete. It is not broken at all. Just like the stone, no matter how broken...
Little Bird
Little Bird Little bird sits in the South East quadrant of my circle. Little birds naturally sing joyously all day long for the pure joy of it, in full bodied gratitude for the gift of life. Rejoicing in life fully, little bird blesses us with the song of Spirit. Any...
We begin in the East
We Begin in the East Usually, I start setting up the Stones of Change Medicine map in the East (to my right - which may or may not actually be true East), so we will begin in the East. This is the spiritual part of the map. It is the place of birth, where the Great...

Dena McKitrick has had an intuitive connection with rocks and stones all of her life, so it is not necessarily surprising that the Stones of Change came to her in meditation. Her spirit path training and experience is an eclectic mix of old and new, East and West.
That diversity, including 13 years study with Swami Tay, Urban Shaman training with Serge King, Kahuna healing with Laura Kealoha Yardley, 15 years of traditional sweat lodge and other ceremony, Alpha Awareness training, and Medicine, Goddess and Women’s circles is blended in her being as well as many years of readings and healing work. She has taught and/or lead ceremony in various places, including Women’s Wisdom Circle.
One of my favorite Wise men in this life is Doug Von Koss. He captures some spirit of the Stones in this recitation of “Stone” by Charles Simic.