Guava Squirrel
“Day in and day out
as an expression of infinite source
an artesian spring of love,
my heart overflows
bubbling over with sweet joy
Blessed beyond measure
by gratitudes grace…”
Thus, thought squirrel
without the words
in his tiny moment of contemplation
before partaking of guava
praying over natural bounty
mouth gaping in awe
We gazed at the beauty
with hearts aching…
from expansion
There on the lip
of complete comprehension
There where tears burst forth
in appreciation
Love and gratitude held us tight
in a grip ecstatic
as our spirits danced on Light

Turtle Buffet
Turtle mused on flowers fancy
“Oh, what a sumptous lunch,” thought he
Then sniffed the air, the perfumed aroma
considered sweet delicacies for free
One step he took in anxious excitement
and another, he took in hyper speed
Perambulating in hurried fashion
to the buffet garden with turtle glee
Now, you and I might smell the flowers
and enjoy the beauty that we see
Turtle, however, munched them with fervor
and partook of their beauty delightedly
The Joy of Awakening
I’m not just talking about awakening in the morning or from a nap, although I would like to say, those are both joyous occasions too. I love it when I remember gratitude while awakening from sleep, for example. It is my daily practice to silently give thanks for the gift of life, and the brand new day. That is a joyous and celebratory practice that brings my whole day a sweetened by gratitude flavor.
There is a deeper awakening that carries with it an even more intense joy. That has to do with awakening to my own consciousness, to conscientiously be aware and focused in every moment of life that I can maintain the practice of paying attention. This “awakening” provides a whole new level of joy, because it intensifies the connection between my aware self and Spirit (or the greater awareness).
Lately, I have been experiencing more and more of this kind of joy, especially as I work on inner acceptance of what Spirit has to offer me. Being willing to receive from Spirit, on a conscious level, opens me up with ready receptivity to all that is good and all that serves my highest good.
Stuff just keeps getting better and better, and more and more joy-full. It’s so different from what I am used to, growing up. It almost hurts, it’s so wonderful. And so, I am grateful.