There is such an abundance of things to be thankful for…
I could start saying them right now,
continue speaking them every moment, every day
from here on
and not have finished on the day I died…
And so I do
Thank you for being part of this abundant life with me.
Life has been
berry, berry good to me
Juicy, luscious
so delicious
Even in winter
when berries are only
thinking of becoming
My mouth waters
as I discover anticipation
once more each year
• • •
What a gift is life!
What a treat are berries!
Once again, I am rendered
sense-more with gratitude
So many things fly to mind
when exercised
It’s in the exhilarating
dreams of joy
that we ourselves can fly
rather they soar and glide
according to some perceptions
angels hover and sing
Did you ever wonder
if there’s angel aerobics?
Sometimes, we’re knotty
with each other
It’s at those times
that love emulsifies
Now we let the blemishes
blow away in the winds of forgiveness
and our spirits can shine
through our hearts
While we go through
the knotholes of life together
softened by our gratitudes