Doorway into Home
A hidden spot, a verdant glade
with singing birds
dragonflies, butterflies
and tinkling stream
‘Neath a canopy of dancing leaves
and stately needles and cedars
A treasure for the senses
hidden in plain view
amidst the busy-ness
tucked within the city
A doorway into Home
Souls Journey
Lifted up by jubilant voices
raised to a new level
in celebration and devotion
Our song of Life
expands and radiates
in proportions beyond mathematics
See those souls dancing
see their shining faces
as they journey ever onward
gathering harmony
along their way
In the Hand

Flutter of the softened wing
pumping love
throughout my countenance
connecting my being
spirit to joy
and back again
Downy softness in the hand
worth all the thoughts
blossoming like butterflies
from within the soul
• • • •
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Mystery Blessing
No matter the name
whispered on softened breath
or shouted through winds of change
Whatever the precepts
concepts, laws and practices
Beyond comprehension
of human minds
The One, a great mystery
blesses us with life
I am grateful for the gift of life
Grateful for this day…
The Joy of Simply Painting
I have been working for awhile now with Melissa Dinwiddie and Cory Huff in the inner circle at, and now I am working further with Melissa in her Creative Ignition Club. A lot of work. Empowering, expansive, creative, simply joyous work. I’ve completely redone my website. I’ve done a lot of emotional clearing, strategizing, conspiring to create, and inner examination. I am now conducting my art business as a business.
An art business focused on serving up my art makes me my companys biggest asset. Suddenly, I owe it to my business to take care of me.
And now I paint. Before, I was working 12-16 hour days, and hardly allowing myself the opportunity to paint or do my own creative work at all. I kept putting off what I really enjoy until some day, when I would have the time. Then, I woke up to the fact that that day would never arrive unless I declared it so. Even more important to my business is that if I don’t paint, we run out of assets.
With that realization in mind, I joined the Creative Ignition Club, where I would join with others on a similar journey and receive encouragement, coaching and tools to change my day to day operations to support my art business. In the club I have dedicated myself to a minimum of 15 minutes everyday to pure joy painting, making the time happen, carving it out of the seemingly uncarvable. So far, it has really meant at least an hour, and more often several hours a day. Oh, joy of joys!
The strongest, most resilient cords
The binding of love
the gateway to freedom
to be our authentic selves
Through the years the heart
with tethered memories soars
then comes home to roost
We are all connected
by threads of Love
Treasured Blessings
Through the filter of her lens
beauty and grace sparkle
in every bend and fold
young and old inspiring
Enticing depths of understanding
wrinkles of conundrum
awakening awareness
The myriad facets
a multi-dimensional jewel
Humanity, family, nature
earth, sun, creation
Treasured blessings
life’s experiences
Unfettered Wings
Ever mindful of promises made
the way was strewn with items kept
like offal on the tides of emotion
The counters stack them
categorized and labeled
as if they have value
in the scheme of things
As if traces were real threads
in the tapestry of our lives
meaning and purpose are assigned
Look! There – see that bird?
Flying, wings unfettered…
All Hallows
Calling in our ancestors
awakening the connection
Asking for their blessing
as we honor them
with ceremony, celebration
and food from last harvest
The veil is thin as we pray
betwixt only faintly disguised
Let us put out soul cakes
as we pray for all those
who walked before us
Meandering Butterfly
A shadowed pattern
Of circles and dots
Some intertwined, others solo
Played across the toes
connecting them to
the earth below
As the sun skittered
Across the sky
Ever brilliant in countenance
Butterfly or moth
Flittery fluttery meanderer
Lights softly for a moment
On otherwise plain foot