The Joys of Getting Clear
Sometimes I would prefer initially to avoid conflict of any kind. I’ve had this concept of me always being “nice,” and I thought that was a good thing for many years. Lately, in the last several years, however, I have discovered there can be great joy in constructive conflict.
I participate in a few different circles where it is more than acceptable to speak your mind and your heart. In order to be present for each other so that it is a safe environment to open up, it is most preferable to clear out any emotions that might get in the way of being present. So, I have learned some different techniques for getting clear about what I am feeling and where those feelings are coming from, with the ultimate goal being to reduce the charge of them.
In one anger workshop years back I discovered the power of holding space for someone to discharge their anger (even if that anger is directed at me). It can be a very joyous thing, especially when I come away with a deeper understanding how it is ok for me to express feelings like anger too. Yeah!
Formerly known
as the dark cloud
The negative thinking
is quickly dispelled these days
with acknowledgement of gratitudes
Yes, it’s all great
and I am grateful
Human Hearts
Far off in a land
distant and strange
in a time long forgotten
there were people
who had lives of experience
and emotions much like ours
The human experience
Hearts of love
Spirit Tree
for all our sustenance
Richness of Rose Petals
Tender thoughts
fragile with newness
and unfamiliarity
dropped like rose petals
on the shelf of fertile consciousness
Unwasted – only spent
this go around
adding richness to the moment
depth to the psyche
Potpourri of fodder
New blooms every season…
The Rains Came
in fluffed up fur
were washed away
when the rains came…
Little Bird

Little Bird
Little bird sits in the South East quadrant of my circle. Little birds naturally sing joyously all day long for the pure joy of it, in full bodied gratitude for the gift of life.
Rejoicing in life fully, little bird blesses us with the song of Spirit. Any other stones landing near Little Bird are somehow attached to your joy and your gratitude.
This is a conscious practice, and the involvement of this stone in your reading means that you are working consciously to appreciate your gifts in life, and to experience true joy.
Joy of Compassion
Sorrowful joy of compassion
wells up like a bursting flower
A flaming soul cleanse
grace in action
washes my cheeks
Flash springs of hot tears
follow their rutted path
to settle peacefully
in the pond of my heart
Rumbly rumbly
something’s grumbly
all topsy-tumbly
And little bug rolls up
as very tight as he can
to hide himself
to ride the storm
If only good instincts
were always based on true perceptions
rather than skewed
by assumed and partial ones
Oh, what fun little bug would have then!
Inspired Compassion
Wandering thoughtfully
‘midst the wilderness of Spirit
wrapped in cloaks of reason
in times of discontent
There came the moment
of inspired compassion
It bent the senses
just a tweak or two
until dialed into radiance
at the cracking of a smile