Beauty of It All
Soaring above
the little busy activity
He felt his heart expand
with the deep recognition
of the sheer magnificence
and awesome beauty
Of it all…
Bag of Dreams
Stitched with threads
of memories and tall tales
And felted in hot waters
of anger and Life’s passions
My bag of dreams
in it’s jeweled beauteousness
contains implements of construction
Midst huddled debris of half baked ideas
and forgotten promises
Ready to start building!
Personal Power

Personal Power Stone
The Personal Power stone dances in her power, instilled with visions and dreams arisen through her rooted feet and lifted up in exultation by natural attraction to the big ball of inspirations energy above.
This stone speaks of being aligned in reality with your personal purpose, living your visions, and being empowered by that place of absolute integrity.
Any stones landing in alignment with this one have something to do with your life’s purpose, and speak of how that purpose is becoming manifest and expressed. Should the Cloud stone land nearby, for example, it would indicate that your visualizations are aligned with your life’s purpose.
If, on the other hand, the Stress stone were to land very near Personal Power, it would indicate that somehow, even though you seem to be aligned with purpose, you have made the endeavor “a job.” Perhaps you have “should” on yourself. Shake it off, center in the joy and thrill of it, and it will become alive with power for you once again.
Her excitement grew
like a shoot of bamboo
light, resilient and strong
headed straight up
to her lofty goals
Thrill danced in her
innermost moments
with dreams and visions
within her wildest imagination…
Tip of the Iceberg
Overt admiration
bubbles up in the countenances
of those around him
Yet only the tip of the iceberg evidence
of the high regard
in which he is truly held
Palpable Love
Beauteous Feast
Sometimes once….
Just isn’t good enough
As beauteous and wonderful
as it may well be
Or, perhaps, it reflects
lavish playfulness
Either way
the multitude of birds
in the almond trees…
or the blanket of daffodils
on the side of the road…
Feasts for my eyes
and heart with awe
Long Late Winter’s Nap
“Aw nuts!” cried squirrel
as he rolled over
in the midst of a long late winter’s nap
And he smiled with all he had
at the very thought…
South – The Southern Dancer

Southern Dancer Stone
The Southern Dancer is a fancy dancer – Rainbow woman. She reflects the Northern lights in her skirts, where they fold and mesmerize as she twirls and kicks to the drum beat of the Mother heart. The light is set free into its myriad colors by her prismatic visage . All of the aspects of a persons life-walk are reflected here.
The South is the Physical Direction. It has to do with innocence, children, animals, and physical reality. Although one might think this is mundane or straightforward, the rainbow in her skirt reminds us of the ability of physical reality to transform at anytime; that physical reality is the world of appearances, and that those appearances are transitive.