Tame Pony
Riding in the Wild World

Yes, this is a photo of me when quite young. I still remember this day, it was that exciting for me. I was convinced that because of this one little sit on the photographers pony I had morphed into some kind of natural horse expert trick rider or something. I just always knew that I belonged on horses after that. I’ve only ridden a few times in my life, still I hold a loving affinity for these beautiful loving creatures.
Onion Skins
Layers of My Being

I am loving playing with photographic images and my paintings coupled with my own thoughts and poetry. Since I have this one image a day assignment which I intend to fulfill, it is apparent that it is a perfect method for me to give myself permission to play. What fun!
Life Cycles

So many levels of change happening in my life, always, and I am aware even more of the constant change.
Playing with the light
tossing it from hand to hand
His aura glowing from the
increased energy of the effort
He came to the momentary conclusion
that this was much better
Than the simple
juggling of Life…
In No-Moon’s Darkness
Magnolia Spring
Just Past Imbolc
I’m always ready for the blossoming, yet shy away from the pain of the cracking open bud. Springs promise reminds me that only when I welcome the remaining sharp edges does the crispy new invite my participation.

Gentle Greeting
Gypsy Heart
Calling Me

I have stacks of drawings of faces that have appeared to me, whispering their story, asking to be seen.
Of Earth and Sky