In the Glen

In the Glen

Taken by the Fairies


Carried away and not to be seen for several days. Upon return, my senses are a bit obscured by the sweet aroma of magic.

A friend reminded me that even if I fall off the daily habit of posting an image, I can yet begin again. Every day, just begin again.

Life’s Challenges

Leaping like leopards
through hoops of the jungle
Tackling fear as prey
with claws of prayer
and faithful surrender
Sometimes, life’s challenges
help bear witness to courage
Instigating catharsis
in the wake of tough circumstance
Excitement in the backwaters
of personal choice
* Marshal was out of town for around ten days, so there has been a gap in napkin posting. We’re back now.
She Blew

She Blew

And the world awoke…

I think today was like this. I bought a new (to me) car. If anything will make one blow, that would be one thing that might cause it. Luckily, we found a great guy selling cars.

On a different vein, I am preparing for the upcoming Elevation RAW artist show on July 10th:

Excitement building. I hope the top of my head stays on!