Natural Beauty
Ode to My Toes
I once portrayed in blues
Blessed Mud
Tree Freeway
In All Seriousness
Bright Ideas

Yes, if you have looked through my site, you may have spotted this face before. It looked different. This is a new mollage using my images in a new composition. Some days I have bright ideas. Other days, not so much. Today, I am merely getting back on the steed. Without judgement (or at least without too much), I take the commitment leap once again. Begin again, and again, and once again again – whatever it takes to develop the habits that I wish to.
I am also working on combining blogs perhaps so that I can get more mileage out of my efforts. I created this image for today’s Daily Napkin email, and thought I would share it here as well. Oh, and here’s the napkin entry for today:
Bright Dream
Bright Dream
Note from Dena – Ever since my mom passed away, in early March, I have been experiencing a catharsis through grief, which also interrupted the publishing of the Daily Napkin. I believe the mending of the fabric of my life adds richness and depth to my creative expression, even though the process causes lapses in my daily practices.