I wonder…
Is enlightenment
like popcorn…?
One moment,
I’m this hard, sunny seed
Then, POP…
I’m full bloom enlightened?
If so, turn up the heat!

Here and Now

most sneezes
bring one into
the here and now
whether held back
to a squeaky implosion
or allowed
full and juicy 
a full experience,
a sneeze
Ah-Ahhh- Ahhchoooooie!!!


A little-known fact:
Even the tiniest bit of consciousness
(such as that in a grain of sand)
manifests physical reality
in a magnificent way
You are truly magnificent!


crane was flying low
intent and majestic
there, nestled between
his shoulder blades
sat his jolly passenger,
a crow just along for the ride
spirit manifests
in many ways…

Open to Shine

opening with gratitude
to the blessings 
in our lives
is as natural 
as it is for
a blossom
opening to the sun

dawns light 
grace emergence
we are each a sun
in the universe
shining, ever shining


Family – 
(those who reside
in our heart of hearts)
is constantly expanding
to include all that is…
• • •
all of nature

is smiling at us
this day
It feels good
to smile back

Meadowlark Joy

To the little boy that plays today on his birthday, may your big heart soar!  

Meadowlark sings 

out of pure joy…

Joy of life

joy of the light

joy in the moment


You have unique gifts

to share with the world

and the world is waiting

Don’t deny the world,

don’t deny yourself


Bumble bees
Don’t bumble
Have you ever noticed?
They are direct
And to the point
Now Aunt Bea –
She could bumble a bit…


and Tweedle-Dum
are neither dumb, nor dee
That’s just what we call them
based on what we see
Labels and judgments

are only perceptions
stacked and codified

Release, let go of what you know
Set recognition free

Red-Letter Day

joy, bliss, singing, dancing
and giggled phrases
all iron the soul smooth
essential indulgence builds
anti-gravity states of being
shuffled by divine grace
So, on this red-letter day
let red infuse you
with the energy of vital spirit
let cheerful readiness
soften the wrinkles
in your plans