Creative Mind

Creative Mind

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Creative Mind stone

Creative Mind Stone

A creative mind is the keystone to awakening and nurturing of your intuitive self. The creative mind stone sits in the North. She contains the rainbow of possibilities hidden within her cracked and chipped exterior. She is open in mind and spirit to the infinite flow of all that is, where solutions reside via access through the creative thought process. This stone may also refer to engaging creative thinking.

Faces in a Storm

Faces in a Storm

Faces in a storm of Psyche’s creation
on the brink of epiphany
myriad of facets tiled
upon the walls of my awareness

Every visage seeking truth
like a noble hunt or fete
clearly tangled in thoughts
wakened dreams imparted

“Faces in a Storm” is a unique original mono print, created in acrylic paint on a gelli plate, then hand embellished and finished with ink and color pencil.

Lady Bird

Lady Bird

lady bird
hidden in plain view behind thin veneer
masked for safety’s semblence
glitz and decorative pap

it doesn’t take much to fly away in
interior gardens richly responsive

how deep does inquiry dip on
jetstreams like visions
bobbing and frisking fluffy clouds
pulling the covers on turquoise skies

grounded all the while in
avian or pangolin’s cousin
pecking or tickling the cracking heart

Lady Bird is a unique original mono print, created in acrylic paint on a gelli plate, then hand embellished and finished with ink and color pencil.



waking dream alive and wiggly
inpired by inner cat self
squiggled convoluted 
mired in complexity and simple

catnap fury frazzled  like organised
spaghetti subtled memory
sound asleep, eyes wide open
introspection complete

Catnap is a unique original mono print, created in acrylic paint on a gelli plate, then hand embellished and finished with ink and color pencil.



birds arose in wingless silence
how long must they stay put
prisoners in their feathered nests
sitting thus like disenhearted squirrels
empty nut bin stilling wings

singing was allowed
encouraged by passing strangers
whistling in the darkness 
plumped by hearts filled with joy
in spite of restrictive circumstance

waiting waiting to be freed
alone in each effort
listen, you can hear the beating
drumbeat of hearts enthralled
fluttering high into jetstreams
no wings allowed

Birds is a unique original mono print, created in acrylic paint on a gelli plate, then hand embellished and finished with ink and color pencil.  

Three Old Sisters

Three Old Sisters

They didn’t recognize themselves. Why would they? Never had they looked like that. Only the camera, or the errant pen, had imagined such visages. The eldest was quite perturbed. She suddenly discovered her unknown resemblance to an old fat Grandpa Ted, or some other old guy. 

In the hours before discovery, their smiles had been real, their honest joy evidenced with seemly comliness. Now, a parody of gorgeous texture tickled their fancied selves.

The Journey

The Journey

The Journey
You may find exhilarating storms of hope
placid lakes of indifference
and rushing streams of joy
still throughout your intrepid journey
the constant thread stitches all
together in the heart