Circle of Community
More Awake

More Awake
There in the depths tendrils with unbelievable strength venture forth, exploring, reaching for sustenance and grace in the moment. All attention is here, seeking —ever present to the warmth of the earth, even while crisp air invites the leaves to dance and stomp with the wind. Not asleep — more awake, seeking…
Hearken unto the Muse
Many years ago, when I was teaching multiple classes at Lassen College, I had an epiphany one day: it’s all the same. To what “it” was I referring? Simple: all design, all art. Designing a stained glass window requires many of the same skills that piecing a quilt does. Putting together today’s outfit, decorating the living room or laying out an ad each bear many commonalities of skill with the other.
I taught glass design and life drawing at that college for years. Many of my students were women with family. Those that had sewn were quite familiar with patterns and fitting. They caught onto the process of fitting the glass pieces together quite readily.
Those that had juggled dinner, soccer games and crying babies had the skillset required to focus on the line of the model no matter what distractions arose. (Note: A high level meditative process – Sit at the piano with a “musically inclined” child on either side, dogs, cats, and other children running through the house, and hear only the notes you are playing while keeping attentive to any indication of emergency).
How does one go about learning a new art form? Hearken unto the muse. Allow the inspiration to flow through, and build your skills doing anything creative. Often, life may not immediately provide you the opportunity to spend hours painting masterpieces. It is important to realize, I think, that all is not lost if such is the case. The creative urge and flow is accessible through sometimes most unusual media.
I remember in graduate art school, where the lofty intellect was given full rein, that there was a big deal made about not selling your art short or diluting your creative flow by transferring your attentions to some “lesser” activity. It is my contention that rather the opposite can be true. If I bring my full attention to the moment while I am creating compost, and open to inspiration as I do it, I find that it increases my state of artistic grace instead of diminishing it.
Spiral Dance
The Joy of Blogging
OK, so now I am hooked. I have always enjoyed writing – especially poetry. And I absolutely love illustrating my writing, or is it writing for my illustrations? Hmmm.
Anyway, I love doing both. In my experience they are the same. My job is to consciously cooperate as spirit expresses through me, either one way, the other, or both. It is the same joy, certainly. The two have always arrived together for me, like twins.
There was a while there that I would incorporate the writing graphically as part of my drawings. Then when I started combing my prismacolor pencils with the watercolors, the words got relegated to the edge of the paper. My latest combination is a new blog I started: The Daily Napkin. If you feel the urge to take a look, be sure to read the first post that explains how it started, and what the name means.
Anyway, it is joyous indeed.
Spring in the Step
Bath of Spirit

Bath of Spirit
Steeped in a bath
of Spirit stuff —-
full flavor
awakening and expanding
like her favorite tea,
she flowered and blossomed,
even more than when a bush,
more fully with every bit
of her being.
–Always loved baths.
Daily Journey

Overflowing with soft
and filled at center
by Spirit’s light,
ten thousand times,
they made the distance
from head to heart and
became a beacon into night.
When all the circle
joins the laughing
then let the new dance begin
yet once again