Seeking destiny
with spoon and fork
Earnest heart
nestled in a nest
of intertwined arguments
Feet planted firmly
In a pond of quicksand
Promises and hopes
following a pinpoint star
Brilliant epiphany…
Seeking destiny
with spoon and fork
Earnest heart
nestled in a nest
of intertwined arguments
Feet planted firmly
In a pond of quicksand
Promises and hopes
following a pinpoint star
Brilliant epiphany…
Running up the tree
like a bear or even a monkey
I used the momentum
to propel me to the heights
There’s not much else like
swaying in the treetop
breezes flickering the hair
the whole world wavering
riding the windsailing branch
carrying me towards my horizon
lift my wing nubs
skipping like squirrel
down branched highways
Joyous life
In the dark of the new moon
in the wilderness alone
wandering up the hill
The gurgling sound of creek
drew near in the silent seeking heart
as open as eyes wide
calling, “Guide me” in whispered voice
so quiet — the thoughts could barely hear the plea…
Here, now, stop and listen
In this moment, it is perfect
On the road in lateness
in the dark of new moon
eyes softened by miles
sticker bush and cows
there, like a phantom,
in the flash of my light
time stood still in vision,
lynx with glowing eyes
and high fashion boots
He was on purpose,
as he headed off
with singing heart
and whistle on his breath
Intent carried his dreams
in a satchel of loving,
nurtured visions who
see fulfillment
in all his fullness