Canopy of Leaves

The canopy of shivering leaves
danced the light across her face

Waking up dreams of soft spring days
followed by warm summer nights
each magical in their own way

On their own day
one moment at a time…

Bag of Dreams

Stitched with threads
of memories and tall tales

And felted in hot waters
of anger and Life’s passions

My bag of dreams
in it’s jeweled beauteousness
contains implements of construction

Midst huddled debris of half baked ideas
and forgotten promises

Ready to start building!


Her excitement grew
like a shoot of bamboo
light, resilient and strong
headed straight up
to her lofty goals

Thrill danced in her
innermost moments
with dreams and visions
within her wildest imagination…

Wishing Well

There is a wishing well
in my sacred garden
that hidden place
where only I tarry

It’s near the swing
in the glen
near the tinkling voice
of the brook

Sometimes, I forget to toss in
trinkets of value
and wishes brightly

And, yet, when I do
life’s magic prevails