Rainbow Bridge

I am
sunlight dancing on leaves
sweet aroma of Spirit
the Word alive

You are
soft mist curling on still pond
crisp watermelon scent of cut grass
murmured whisper

We are
rainbow bridge in constant motion
earthy smell of fresh loam
spoken intentionally

One Brick at a Time

Building integrity
one brick at a time

Awakening to the truth
of being a human being
doing human life

Aligned with Source
Aligned with Love


Rumbly rumbly
something’s grumbly
all topsy-tumbly

And little bug rolls up
as very tight as he can
to hide himself
to ride the storm


If only good instincts
were always based on true perceptions
rather than skewed
by assumed and partial ones

Oh, what fun little bug would have then!

Javelina’s Truth

When pondering peccaries
or the curly taste of prickly pears
the mind’s eye view may broaden

New vistas of delightful things
open up the scope of understanding
or, at least, a bit of insight


Cut to the truth
like a javelina’s tooth

Let the spiky spines
of honest instrospection
be chewed up
along with the rest

Hide and Seek

One grey day
when even the shadows
were dull and listless

He noticed a suspicious sparkle
out the side of his perceptions

He discovered the prismatic
rainbow colors
lurking on the periphery

Playing hide and seek
with his consciousness

“Come out, come out,
wherever you are!”