Dose of Love

A daily practice
a dose of love
Given lavishly
without hesitation
even on the darker days
or hours so busy
there is no time
for actual evidence
Written out in loving long hand

and kissed by heart’s instincts

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love
Unconditional love
Comes from up above
and it fits like a glove
We are surrounded
swimming in a sea
of unconditional love
We’ve only made up
this illusionary game
of separateness

so we can rediscover

the unconditional love

Once again

Sweet Spirit

The touch upon my memory
And as sweet
As a newborn anything
Remembering the love
In my heart
For Spirit

Potential Contemplation

Sitting on the shore of contemplation
he let the tsunami of love
wash over him

The look of bliss on his face
incredibly sweet…

One more time, he realized,
another moment appeared

Full of potential
for any kind of experience
he wished to have

• • •

*Note: Just to let you know what’s been happening with the Daily Napkin, Marshal fell off a ladder three Sundays ago and has not been going to work for the last two weeks while he recovers from his injuries. His healing is progressing quite well, thank you, and he will most likely be returning to work next week. In the meantime, we will fill in with some past Napkins that haven’t been posted before. Our apologies for two weeks of no posting and please enjoy.

Pond of Forgiveness

Bathing in the pond of forgiveness
near the meadow
out beyond right and wrong

There is no other peace
like immersing self
in those still waters

Birds chirping overhead
warmth of the loving sun
ready to enfold me
like a babe in arms

Soft fertile Earth
ready to foster
and nurture new growth
softened by my salty tears
and seeded by my timid smiles