Leaping Flourish

Leafy cartoon figures
bobbled and shivered
in a dramatic scene of green

As little squirrel leapt
with flourish and style
to the next small leaf strewn branch

Off on his hourly constitutional


I, on the other hand
merely observe the circus act
from the comfort of warm and cozy

The heady essence of tea
awakening some other senses

Long Late Winter’s Nap

“Aw nuts!” cried squirrel
as he rolled over
in the midst of a long late winter’s nap

And he smiled with all he had
at the very thought…

Next Big Leap

Little squirrel sat
on the branch
eyes squoze shut

“I DO believe I can,”
he repeated the mantra
over and over

as he contemplated
that next big leap

All That Is

Who put the thought out there
with glowing lights
and propping up implements
That All that is
is limited by our limitations
That Infinity fits in a box
that All could be nothing?
• • • •
Little squirrel contemplated
All that is for a moment
Before leaping off the branch
in search of a nut

Courageous Serenity

Examples aplenty
in Nature can be found
for serenity and courage
most naturally abound

Bear, for example, is easy
serenely walking the woods
yet with courage faces obstacles

And how ’bout squirrel
with all his chattering
stops to ponder for a moment
shows serenity in action
and courage planting trees
They’ve planted 4 oaks, 2 figs
2 maples and assorted grapes
in my yard