
The shadow of you
fixing your lunch
and all the morning ritual
As it was reflected
on the sun dappled window
shifting with the breezes
as they tickle the leaves
That shadow looked just like squirrel
wiggling his spunky tail
and standing on tippy toe
on the top board of the fence
Until I noticed the striped shirt…

Year of the Squirrel

In the old shack, a lean-to, really
life was a new adventure
We raked the packed dirt floors
to clean up what the dog or squirrels didn’t eat
And ventured out on the darkest nights
to find the outhouse built of used doors
Relatively quiet, except for
the singing pines
The day Mom told the
watching-patiently-with-intense-desire dog
“Get him!”
And, thus began the frantic days
the Year of the Squirrel wars…

Magnolia Meditations

Gorgeous blossom
hiding place for
the squirrel today
Sprinkled over the landscape
awaiting an unknown bride tomorrow
two love-doves
in the garden
Come to roost
to sing their loving song
We are even more blessed!
I didn’t imagine that possible

Silence of the Squirrel

Baby squirrel
all sweet and soft looking
sat on his favorite branch
Washing face with
the backs of his paws
thoroughly involved in the task
Then, stillness overcame
his every fiber
Looking sideways at that big person
there in the kitchen window
In a flash, he was gone!

Caravan of Gypsies

We have a smashing good time
cavorting like squirrels
celebrating sunlight and acorns

And that dance of Spirit
wanders like a caravan of gypsies
through our tender heart space
even on the darkest of days

For we are blessed
you and I and all

Blessed beyond measure
with Love