Shower of Love

In the shower of love
my pores soak it up
All the extra stuff
soiled or shadow
sticky or too sweet
sloughs off
And I am left standing
whole and complete
In Spirit’s house
I shower every day

The Dancer

As above, so below
Connected to both
the dancer spun
mixing the very air
blending in her heart
the forces of her life
mundane whipped up
by Spirit grace
a frothy concoction
ever spinning
ever sublime



Certainly there is hope
springing eternal
from the well of Spirit
A gift unto itself
awaken the thread of it
tug on it to discover
a weed’s root
ensconced and bed by
the heart of hearts
My heart is full
I thrive… with hope
Daily Napkin for Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Daily Napkin for Tuesday, November 10, 2009

On the road in lateness
in the dark of new moon
eyes softened by miles
sticker bush and cows
there, like a phantom,
in the flash of my light
time stood still in vision,
lynx with glowing eyes
and high fashion boots

Spring in the Step

Spring in the Step

The Daily Napkin

Spring in the Step

Feeling the delicate
touch of the false spring breeze,
he fell natural prey to optimism,
clearly lightening his step
and immersing him
in the joy of Spirit
within him