Heart and Meaning

I am in touch
with what has heart and 
meaning for me
I live in harmony
with my deepest values
Spirit is the heart
and meaning in my life
Positively blessed

Fragrant Moment

A flower blossoms
but once
yet the plant flowers
many times
Each moment
is a new flower
Take good care of the plant
water it, nurture it
and bask in Spirit’s 
sweet aroma
blossoming each moment

Deep Peace

There is an eternity in every moment

Throughout the day, take a moment

for prayer and reflection

There is unending peace there…


Deep peace rains
its misty blanket
upon my craziness

Each time
I check in with Spirit

Joy Juice

Gimme some of that
“Joy juice”
That Spirit stuff
that flows throughout
and permeates our Is-ness
I feel it, I know it
when I think of
the Divine…
Tree of Life

Tree of Life

Outside the Box is the name of the major annual Placer Arts fundraiser show and auction.  My piece for the show this year is of the seasons on the Tree of Life. It is up for a silent auction right now online (check it out here) which will culminate live at the Blue Goose in Loomis on January 31.

The process for the Outside the Box show is that you start with a “box” that Placer Arts provides and incorporate that in the art piece to be shown and auctioned off to benefit Placer Arts. There is all kinds of wonderful art available in the show. Everyone this year really outdid themselves. I am honored to be included in their ranks.