The peacock perched
on the porch rail
Every morning and evening
for days and days
Calling out in lonely voice
looking beautiful
next to the redwood deck
A vigil of sorts
a Spirit watch
Calling to my soul
The peacock perched
on the porch rail
Every morning and evening
for days and days
Calling out in lonely voice
looking beautiful
next to the redwood deck
A vigil of sorts
a Spirit watch
Calling to my soul
She felt the warmth
seep into her bones…
Like sands in the hour glass
She noticed the light
and love filled her up
Until she literally radiated
with great exuberance
Love, love, …love
That’s all I’ve got to say
In the face of everything
Any time and any day
Fills me up–it’s all I am
Surrounds me–it’s all you are
Permeates and snuggles in
Instills life in reality
Spirit = Love
the brush
with bristles bright
and bowing to the canvas
dances, skips, and pirouettes
to music
deep within my heart
my spiritual being
transposed through pigment
my soul singing
resplendent leaping light
joyous painting
soothes uneasy plight
tempers stress
awakens luminous
today, right now
intense rejoicing
as the brush whirls
cavorts and prances
in exuberant flight