Container of Beauty

As you fill your cup
with the stuff of Life today

Know that you are loved beyond measure
and the beauty of your container

Is only magnified through
the overflow of Spirit’s essence

Symphony of Spirit

She leaped up effortlessly
spread her wings
And flew with abandon
to the symphony of Spirit
Playing brightly
on the early morning sky
It’s all so good!

Little White Birds

Even little white birds
catch the rhythm of life
in their bones
Every part of creation
dances Spirit through
A unique part
of all creation
Yahoo!  Let’s Samba!!!

Star Bright

Like jewels on velvet
the stars sparkled
I asked, “Can’t you do something
a little more exciting?”
Then, the biggest, brightest
flared, jumped, circled it’s neighbor
and flew out of view
Quicker than a hummingbird
as if to say, “I’m outta’ here!”
I stood there
mouth agape at the audacity

Crow Love

As the crow flies
You’re very near
And as they congregate
so, too, our hearts reunite
They walk both worlds
with caws and cause
Spirit messengers
As does our love
‘tween head and heart
and back again
The longest journey
in a moment made