Gentle Greeting

Once a stick-bug
showed up on my screen door
It was startling to realize
this odd twig was alive
I felt fear
Yet, the stick-bug still greeted me
in his gentle stick-bug way
The Spirit in me

honors the Spirit in all living beings

Joke Bubbles

welling up like the laugh
after a slow joke 
bubbles up from my center
A never ending artesian well
from Spirit…

Spirit’s Time

Time management
is best handled by Spirit
who  knows no time
Yet all time is in perfection
For what is time

but another expression of Love?

Sharing Stories

They loved to tell stories
and each loved to listen
And, so, their lives were full
Never a dull moment
Spirit loves you
now and always
So let’s keep sharing our stories

with each other…

Raven’s Message

Raven “cawed”
With his voice so lovely
Soothsaying his message
From the Spirit world
He’s always
bringing me messages
Too bad, I don’t
understand his language
