Fairy Dust

Like fairy dust,
the blessings of gratitude
in your heart
Shower upon you
the ability to soar
I love flying with Spirit…
Wood Nymph

Wood Nymph

Spirit of the Woods

In the cave
hidden on the cliffside
Rockfall and rubble
bushes and grasses all around
In that silent solitary place
near the river of my life
I sat in communication
with the bugs and animals
And became more connected
more at one
with the earth in the walls

and through the rock on which I sat
silently in peace…*

*from the Daily Napkin

Gypsy Heart

Gypsy Heart

Calling Me


I have stacks of drawings of faces that have appeared to me, whispering their story, asking to be seen.

Bottom Drops Out

When it feels as if, once again
the bottom has dropped out
And you’re hanging out
over the precipice
In faith, you will discover
you can lean back into Spirit
Wherein, all is safe
and loving…

Depths of Spirit

I met a very old woman
on the road
Inching along in
a bent and stilted way
I offered my arm
as she headed off
across the trafficked street
And fell into the depths
of Spirit-connect in her eyes