Friend Song

They were buddies
travelin’ through life
side by side
singing and dancing
with sadness and gladness
anger and joy…
Even on a foggy morning
when the crows and jays
pursed their beaks in silent
honor of the moist stillness…
They sang in the warmth
of their friendship
silly or earnest
old show tunes or operatic phrases
buddies in Life…

Birthday Song

Out of the eyes, tears sprang
as you sang from your heart
to mine — a Spirit song
I cry for happy
when joyous ache
overwhelms essence
when gentle words
in tenderness tread
upon heartstrings
as delicate as spiderwebs

Circle of Community

Circle of Community

The Daily Napkin

Circle of Community

We sat together, you and I
in the circle of community,
the circle of life…
We all joined hands
in spiral dance,
gifting healing to the world
dancing with deer and squirrels,
bears and ancient wise ones,
massaging the air
with the breath of life
in song from our hearts.