God Box

God Box

I have a little nest
a woven bed of God thoughts
by the song of my heart
prayers, releases
requests for clarity
clear guidance
all within the fancy house
a jeweled abode
carved by the story
of my life


Waves of Love

Until the last song is sung
our voices rejoice
in the expression of life
As we ride the waves
of love and compassion
in the ocean of life today
Surf’s up!

The Experience

Oh, it moved me
her song in earnestness
Yes, it moved me
It stirred me in my depths
clapping and dancing
we rose to celebrate
as it moved us
and the Song renewed our faith
Piano man
his fingers dancing
he was playing out Spirit
through the keyboard
and his heart
• • • 
hearts expanding wide
We each sharing our Spirit
individuals in community
a conscious community of Love

Song of Life

He sang with all his heart
All his body, all his soul
resonating even in his toes
He sang his life for his life
for connection to the One
It is all, it is ALL
Beautiful, disparate, life
filled with grief and joy
pain and ecstasy
Every note dedicated
committed, filled with longing
He sang with all his heart…

Tossing Dreams

How far must I toss my dreams
to be clear of my fears
and my blocks and beliefs and things?
Into the Outfield, fallow and weedy?
Where sustenance and nurturing
are catch as catch can?
Perhaps it’s best not to toss at all
instead, to plant gently in my heart?
There, fear’s vibration and
the waves of old beliefs
create a song…
It’s all just vibration, after all
it’s up to me to tune it