Glorious Sound

There, in that echo-y room
amidst steamy mists
and freshened skin
There is a glorious sound
full heart, full voice
Spontaneous celebration of Life
bursts through dammed up feelings
Infuses the brand new day
in joyous harmony with the Universe
Happy Day!

Caravan of Gypsies

We have a smashing good time
cavorting like squirrels
celebrating sunlight and acorns

And that dance of Spirit
wanders like a caravan of gypsies
through our tender heart space
even on the darkest of days

For we are blessed
you and I and all

Blessed beyond measure
with Love

Turn the Phrase

She likes to futz
in the kitchen with flavors
and the clean dish

In the garden with ivy
and the occasional veggie

In the studio with pen and ink
and big brush on canvas

And, most of all,
in the turn of the phrases
and singing heartsongs
with the man in her life

Blessing Song

Blessing Song

Gathered beneath the trees,

the flowered ones

huge and majestic


on that knob of a hill

where sun baked thoughts

of lazing about

or travel on yachts


There we sang

in full resonant force

of life and with zest

Our voices blessing the landscape

like coyotes in the distance

and there we awoke

a new dream

Daily Napkin for Friday, October 23, 2009

Daily Napkin for Friday, October 23, 2009

He was on purpose,
as he headed off
with singing heart
and whistle on his breath
Intent carried his dreams
in a satchel of loving,
nurtured visions who
see fulfillment
in all his fullness