Warm Colors

Warm colors gusting past
and falling on heads
drifting into the corners
softening rigid lines

In the circle of community
each is held up
surrounded by soft edges
and warm colors

Like leaves, we drift
to fill in gaps with love
and support for each other…

Other Side of Summer

Remember in deep summer
when the bees buzzed
and the heat held you pillowed
in the teeming meadow
and the lavender labyrinth?

This crisp chill
and watered sunlight
with staccato litany
of crunchy steps
and lonesome bird calls
is the other side of that

Now is the opportunity
to remember
the warmth within…

Peaceful Harvest

The harvesting was complete
For the day

So they put their supplies
And implements away
In a flurry of “see ya’ laters” 

As he stepped into the quiet
Of his peaceful mind

The magnificent sunset
Caught his breath
In it’s splendor

Heart’s Nature

And as the balance tipped
Toward the days of shadow

Life falling like leaves
To drift into piles

Or scurry away
According to the whims
Of the wind

Then dreams brightened
Quickened in the bed of silence

Nurtured by the heart’s
Ever hopeful nature

Inner sunshine on a bleak day…

Season Dancers

Sun and moon
equal in the sky
Day and night
equal in the hours
• • • •
As the dancers turn
Through the seasons of their lives
The music seeps into my soul
and I am filled with delight
At this ever-changing
gift of Life
Happy Mabon and Joyous Autumn Equinox to all…!