Spring of Life

One tiny thought
watered and sunned
nurtured and supported
Can become anything
your heart desires
So, just like a flower
the many petals of my soul
burst forth in beauty and grace
It is the Spring of life in this moment…

Fortune Tellers

Apple blossoms
And worms alike
Are fortune tellers
Foretelling fall harvest
And hot cider by the fire
On a cold, wintery night

Canopy of Leaves

The canopy of shivering leaves
danced the light across her face

Waking up dreams of soft spring days
followed by warm summer nights
magical in their own way

Now culminating in whispered wisdom
each day shorter than the last
punctuated by bright and rusty hues

Soon the days of stark sleepiness
will hitch a ride on the coat tails
grounded fringes of color

Light askance and limpid
cleared of fluttering distractions

Jumping Seasons

Spring sneezed
And summer
Jumped right in
To the say the line…
Bless you!
Tree of Life

Tree of Life

Outside the Box is the name of the major annual Placer Arts fundraiser show and auction.  My piece for the show this year is of the seasons on the Tree of Life. It is up for a silent auction right now online (check it out here) which will culminate live at the Blue Goose in Loomis on January 31.

The process for the Outside the Box show is that you start with a “box” that Placer Arts provides and incorporate that in the art piece to be shown and auctioned off to benefit Placer Arts. There is all kinds of wonderful art available in the show. Everyone this year really outdid themselves. I am honored to be included in their ranks.