Life’s Challenges

Leaping like leopards
through hoops of the jungle
Tackling fear as prey
with claws of prayer
and faithful surrender
Sometimes, life’s challenges
help bear witness to courage
Instigating catharsis
in the wake of tough circumstance
Excitement in the backwaters
of personal choice
* Marshal was out of town for around ten days, so there has been a gap in napkin posting. We’re back now.
Spirit Wind

Spirit Wind

Like a wisp of smoke
on the wind
My prayers
lifted into Spirit
Only to manifest
as rainbows in my heart
We begin in the East

We begin in the East

Stones of Change header
We begin in the east

We Begin in the East

Usually, I start setting up the Stones of Change Medicine map in the East (to my right – which may or may not actually be true East), so we will begin in the East.

This is the spiritual part of the map. It  is the place of birth, where the Great Masters reside, a place of prayer, a place of new beginnings, light, morning,  spring, religion, and spirituality. It is the beginning end of the Blue Road and masculine.

Stones that hold the circle in the East have something to do with spiritual aspects, beings, or characteristics, such as: the light of spirit, joy, truth, destiny, Christ, angels, guides, Goddess, spirit healing, surrender, Buddha, enlightenment etc. When casting stones land in the East, they have to do with spiritual aspects, practice, beliefs or morals.

Any of the ‘negative’ readers are exalted when they land East of the meridian (the middle), so they take on a more refined, and sometimes even positive, meaning.

In the Northeast, stones reflect a philosophical attitude, whereas in the Southeast, stones express a more visceral spirituality.


Lean on the Ancestors

Times like these
when the air gets heavy
And even the words are slow
it is good to lean on the ancestors
Let the wisdom and the foibles
siphoned and filtered
through ages of hopes
and dreams and prayers
Rise up through our roots
to nourish our human beingness
Firmly rooted, we have the strength
to be flexible and bend
with the winds of change
to grow closer to the stars


From whence, inspiration?
Breathe in and open with prayer
Breathe out and out it flows
Every part of creation
breathes and bathes and is
part of creation

Blessed by the presence of Divine
unmistakably filled,
surrounded by grace