Round in Circles

Push and tug
up and down

Sometimes the journey
is not all about sound

Keeping the centered feeling
where it can be found

We sing in joyousness
we dance barefoot on the ground

‘Round and ‘round in circles
whether in country or town

Our souls just playing
They/ we just keep playing…

Silliness and the Dark Side of Joy

Silliness and the Dark Side of Joy

What’s half Poobah and half unicorn? It’s Cornpoon. The Poobahs over at Playing Around Workshops were commenting back and forth about the poohbah hats of Betty and Wilma Flinstone, and how they wanted hats like that.  I have a full set of horns, so I applied and was granted the honor of becoming an honorary Poobah. They discovered they only had one set of horns between them, and decided that they might be Poonicorns after all.  I suggested it was a Cornpoon instead. I found this old image from late yesterday to illustrate what (or who) exactly that is.

When I take silliness too far I slip into the dark side of joy, which, sort of like the dark side of the moon, is still joy nonetheless. Even after the sun goes down, I love dressing up, putting on a funny hat and howling at the moon.

I’m signed up to attend the Playing Around Workshops with Melissa and Kelly because I take Creative playtime seriously. The Muse demands it. It’s like vitamins for my creativity. I get quite dull minded when I don’t partake. So, I intend to seriously enjoy.

Changing Alliterations

“Great, galloping geckos!”
They proclaimed with hair flying about
And cheeks challenged
By changing alliterations
“Our ornery owls are only
occasionally ostracized.”
The flim-flam man
Just crammed the napkin
All in fun, man, all in fun…

Symphony of Spirit

She leaped up effortlessly
spread her wings
And flew with abandon
to the symphony of Spirit
Playing brightly
on the early morning sky
It’s all so good!


In the mud
toes oozing with gobs of it
they sat encased in it
All about the serious BUSINESS
of caking it and making it
into pies and mad makeup
Or doing scientific experiments
on the ooze factor
Cool mud…hot days