

Spontaneously, they ran off to some 

exotic little sun and sand beach,

at coconuts

and played in life 

for the long final act.

I just read an article about Vincent Van Gogh. It told about how his sister-in-law was responsible for making him famous after the two brothers had died. She was able to get people to finally appreciate his work by sharing his letters which told all about what he was feeling and experiencing as he painted his works.

Somehow, that knowledge informed how I put this piece together (e-collage).  Comprised of several of my older pieces, it has the feel of a family reunion of sorts, yet it is a completely new piece. That’s one of the fun things about painting collage on my computer.

Summer of Squirrels

When squirrels play
the branches 
of the dancing trees
are fun highways
for hilarious capers
Ever dreamt of
being a flying squirrel?
Let’s play!
• • •
Meanwhile, you and the squirrels
conversing in the yard…
Now, there’s a happy thought!

Permission to Play

Little one
inside of there
Know that you have
permission to play some
every day
And, that you are loved
beyond measure

The Entertainer

He got all dramatic
In a campy sort of way
Dancing and singing
His own accompaniment
An instantaneous spontaneous
Musical extravaganza
All the while, her heart warmed
Lighting up at the touch
Of his voice, his enthusiasm
As he showed off
For both of them
The entertainer
Ta, da…………..!!!

Sugar Candy Glass

The wall of glass sits in my way
the paths to dreams and visions I see
How to get over, under, or around?
A wall so tough, you cannot be free?
Trust, have faith and walk right through
Quit asking why or what or how
Instead, step out, eyes open, too
as horizons open
Sugar candy glass dissolves
when it’s all wet…
perhaps it’s time for water balloons