Love One
There was One once
One with many faces
recognized in many places
in many different times
And that One said
aloud and silently
exuberant and quietly
that we are all One
And that One is Love
and that Love is One
and it has all begun
and it never ends
Love Reigns Everywhere
amongst the stars somewhere
Or in a drop of moisture
dangled from a tiny hair
A constellation so miniscule
we’re not aware it’s there
It’s way out or way in or both
where Love reigns and fills the air
The very breath of life inspires
everyone who is there
And it’s all different
and so much the same
• • •
“There is a moment, a chip in time
When leaving home is the lesser crime
When your eyes are blind with tears, but your heart can see
Another life, another galaxy“–Paul Simon
All One
Far, far away from here
the rain falls
the worms and bugs crawl
And there are folks
not much different than us at all
Life’s experiences and foibles
circle ‘round
from city to town
On top of the world or down
humanity laughs and frowns
All One…
Sing the Light
Everybody sings the Light
Light is the expression
Of a small part
Of the spectrum of vibration
That is all that is!
We are the singers
Of the Light
An enormous chorus
Symphony of Light