
Savor the juicy tomato moments
And the memory of such savorosity
It tickles the parched palate
of more sparse times
We have been savoring the moments around Marshal’s big birthday. Now, we are back into the regular routine. 

Five Short Minutes

How much can be done
in five short minutes?
A poem, a song, a sketch,
a dance, conception
A birth, break something, fix something
love, live, die…
Every moment is an eternity
Living in the moment
is living now



It is always about choice…

Each and every moment…
no matter what the circumstance
or physical evidence of truth
I choose joy or sorrow
…peace or strife

Oh, what a blessed variety!

Camera Mugging

Sometimes, he has too much fun
Dancing and cracking up
Mugging it up for some non-existent camera

The joy bubbling through
in an almost frantic pace

On those high-stepping days
of Laurel and Hardy moves
and free-flowing morning scat

I appreciate his sense of humor
and the way he occupies
his body in the present moment

Who’s Counting?

So many years and a day
and, Yes!
Yes, he was counting
For each day is precious
especially awake
Awake, alive
recovering life!
Ah, every moment
has cause for celebration!