The Bumpy Road

Traveling on the bumpy road
of Happy Destiny
I came upon
a sleeping rhinoceros
harboring a sweet dream smile
in a most un-rhinoceros way
I’ve heard of letting sleeping dogs lie
and I’ve seen an elephant in the room
Still, what’s the proper procedure
when rhino’s dream?

Basking Glory

Standing on the tramped down grass
In the heat of the day
The sound of hawks hunting
In the distant backdrop
With mountainous hillsides
And skittering fluffy clouds
In a brilliant blue
Here in this place
Where the path turns
Round and round again
I squint slightly
And bask in the glory

Of the lupine in the spring

Give It to Me Straight

Sometimes, sideways
Is the straightest path

What feels like off the beam
Is merely a tweaking
To get more on track

And then there’s the crab
Walking sideways is straight
Answers lurk in the angle

More important than warp or weft
Is the fabric quality

No thread’s path is absolutely straight

The Wheel

The wheel goes round and round
simply ever spinning

Yet where it touches with friction
the outside world

It causes the cart
to move along the path