Tender Secret

May your heart rejoice
and be glad in every moment today
Like a tender secret
let your joyousness dwell

in your heart

Flitting Color

Flitting is generally
for butterflies
brilliant flowers
with powdered wing
or jewel throated hummingbirds
winging on with joyous speed
But now and again
my heart has been known
to flit among the sacred

and shine brilliantly colorful
with ecstasy

All on Board

His dreams were big
Profuse visions
Filled with joy and glory
expanding into consciousness sublime
• • •
As if on cue, his foot stepped out
with determination and faith
Though his eyes perceived
but a thin rope on which to tread
Thus, he boarded

the escalator to potential

Inner Angel

The heart with wings
soars at the rise of joy
Flutters softly
at the instance of fear
and excitement
The inner angel
the butterfly of metamorphosis
the heart with wings
Spirit gives my heart wings…

Being True

He wore his mask
with pride and courage
Hiding behind
his true face
And dancing
with the Wild Spirits
Ah, the joy and freedom

of being true!