Joy Dance

Discontent stirs the pot
of humdrum day to day
Heats it up somehow
until we boil over
with new joy
• • •
Meanwhile, the stars rise
and set each day
Dancing their joy dance
Whether or not we are
experiencing our storms of life

Joy in the Moment

Google “Joy” on that
internal search engine
and click, click, click!
Meanwhile, even in Cucamonga
life is only one moment at a time

Spirit Joy

Singing his song
which bubbles up
Always in a steady stream
of Spirit joy
He discovered music
in his every moment of life

Following Joy

Positively fascinating!
The way life works
when one follows the joy
Sliding down the dry grassy hill
on carriages of cardboard
Climbing up the swaying tree
until hair and leaves are one
Diving in the clear, still pond
near the wide sunning rock
So many ways to follow joy
So many ways life just works!

Daily Alignment

Just like the pain
when the spine is misaligned
which affects every part
of the experience…
So the discomfort
when not lined up
with life’s purpose
May you align
each day, each moment
And so, lovingly experience
the natural joy place