Perfect Disguise

I wonder if that squirrel
out there on that branch
ever gets grumpy
If so, he’s hiding
in the perfect disguise
in all his cute squirrelliness
Maybe, if I’m totally me
I’ll appear playful and joyful
always, too…

New Habits

As you embark
on the journey
of new habit
May the road
of intentions
prove smooth and joyous
I yearn
like the heart
of Great Spirit yearns
for Joy…

Mental Vacation

Fraught with naught
but stellar ideas
and pontifications
Plied and tied
with arguments
of amusement
They bandied about
a bantered topic without
any need for conclusion
Merely a romp in their minds

Gold Lamé

The healed seams in his aura
glistened like gold lamé
his broken heart mended
The story they told was old
of life with good wife
and other exterior props
The truth shone through
from a deeper bond –
his hard work and Spirit
In-filled joy is easy and bright…
*There is a practice among Japanese potters. When they fix a broken pot, they fill the crack with gold, honoring the experiences that caused the breakage, and  treating that breakage and subsequent repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise.

Soul Gifts

Our gifts are meant
to stretch our capabilities
And stretching is
always a challenge!
So, be attentive
to your soul’s joy
Let your soul’s delight
be your compass
In Love, it’s begun…