Threefer Year 3 joy

Opening his heart
with love for life
and the world,
little meadowlark sang
greeting the brand new day

Old Sol

There, just above horizon,
upon first kissing the field
with tender light
and hints of warmth,
old Sol glints upon my eyes…
Here I stand with upraised arms
earth beneath my feet
and gaze into emblazoned beauty…
My cup overflows
joyous life runneth over

Year 3

Year 3

In this moment
every bit of joy
is available
You can choose to Bliss out
at any time
Knowing that gives us more
hutzpahto play the game
Samadhi me

Spring in the Step

Spring in the Step

The Daily Napkin

Spring in the Step

Feeling the delicate
touch of the false spring breeze,
he fell natural prey to optimism,
clearly lightening his step
and immersing him
in the joy of Spirit
within him

Spring in the Step

Unfamiliar Joy

The Daily Napkin
The unfamiliar joy
just crept around his
edges, having already
found a warm and comfy
hiding spot in his
“Eeeek!” he thought,
“What is this ‘creepy’ feeling?”
Ah ha
Hazzah, Yah foo tah!