Full Voice

The body loves to sing full voice
as the lion, the song bird
the frog upon his lily pad…
——– ————- ———– ————-
Every fibre
the truth
the joy
no matter
what the words
All is permeated
sound embodied

Prosperity of the Soul

More than enough
everything filled
joy, peace, love
bliss even
ever running over
abundance of spirit
prosperity of the soul
for all

Praise Song

The sweet, sweet smell
narcissus heady
joyous spirit ready
to fully aloft we swell
Voices joined soaring
full bodied roaring
where one true voice dwells
and there in the making
singing in the choir praising
ring out the sound
of love like a bell

Where no birds sang

On the rock,
where no birds sang
and soft breezes
dared not blow
with tears of joy and blessing,
bones warmed by the sun
feet dangled over the precipice
There (and only there)
life peeked out verdant
with sticker bushes
and hope blooming
for seeking glances

Bathing in Light

Bathing in the light,
soaking in the brilliance,
the rich depths of me
are flooded with awareness
layers upon layers
years of experience
immersed in joyous remembrance
warmed by light’s caress
Consciousness luxurious
subtle and deep