Song of Light

There was a sound
the song of men
that rose up
those many years ago
And he led them
into darkness and back out again
Riding on the light
A wave of light, of song
Come, come celebrate life
in joyousness
in song


Uplifted heart
awakened and surrounded
by many hours brimming
to overflowing with joy
and held together
by the ultimate superglue – love


not long ago
I was reminded
of the peace that lurks
within the joyous heart
and in this moment
this now I still am
joy and peace
right now


Baby foxes trotting down
the road

Mischievious and playful
little tongues lolling

They bat each other in play
and roll in the sweet
aroma of redwood needles
and fox gaiety.


Promise Kept

The promise kept
in word and deed
like a tiny seed germinates

Sends out roots and shoots
to grow and flourish
I promised myself
in heartfelt earnest
and set about
fulfilling it

Joy grows in me