Sacred Meadowlark

Sacred Meadowlark

Meadowlark sings

his wispy lighthearted tune
And all the world around him
bends to hear his melody
leans to know his song
The “V” of victory expands
as he breathes in Life’s essence
And the vibrating yellow of sunshine
expresses his Life Song
on the breeze
Trill bird, song bird
thrill bird, love bird
Sacred Meadowlark…

The Self-Perpetuating Satisfaction

the pinnacle
of his success
he stopped for a moment
to reflect upon his gratitude
and knew the joy that fueled
his days of activity
And in that very moment
he heaved a big sigh of deep satisfaction
and inner peace
     “Ah! Life is good!” he proclaimed…

Happy Dog

The thing I like about
a happy dog is
Dog doesn’t give a rip
what the silly grin looks like
Dog just exudes joy
That’s why dog works so well
for the G-O-D anagram
Joy, joy, joy, joy, joy!

Laughing Partner

Laughter rises
from the depths of the gut
Adjusting, cleansing, healing
Haha… Hoho
and a giggle or two, too
My laughing partner
you share humor daily
Keeps me dancing on my toes
awakening joy


Full of gratitude
for blessings
Filled with love
and peace
in any form
Forgiveness, alive and well
grants joyousness
A step through the door
into Grace