Dancing Bug

Little bug was so pleased
with soulful eclectic funk
he had discovered in himself
while preparing for the day

that he practically
danced right on past his destination
before he realized it…

Oh, Happy Storm!

A big joyous sound swelled forth
from lips and instruments
like a huge wave
in a happy storm

People dancing in the aisles
waving arms and wagging heads

Young and old alike
jubilant, energized
filled with holy Spirit

Awake, aware, alive!

Happy Bugs

The bugs are happy
when we dig into the pile

They run hither and dither
and then hither and yon

Oh boy! Oh boy!

More food for the fodder
more rotting vegetables
enough for the mudder

Happy day in the compost pile
Happy day in the dirt
Happy day in the sunshine
Happy day in the dark

Friendship Poem

If I were to write a friendship poem
filled with joy, love
my deep appreciation

And hide it in the pocket of your shirt
or prop it up on the table
where you eat your breakfast

What a little thing
that would be

Yet shift happens

Like a butterfly’s fluttering wing
that one small act moves mountains
eventually or sooner

As you come to know a little more
how very much you are loved

Lavish Abundance

Songbird whistles
through his day
With a light step
and a joyous heart
The lift under his wings
Provided by the lavish abundance
of love and light in his life
Whistle On!