The Heart Blooms

A soft comfort
for a thrilled heart

The dream of full expression
fulfilled with success

A moment’s glory
a reason for gratitude


Every time the heart blooms
another sprout comes to fruition

Spirit celebrates
by infusing new with joy

Spirit and Me

My cup runs over
as I’m filled with Spirit
and I’m deep in joy
through my heart of hearts

Spirit is my partner
simply my best friend
and I know for sure
that you stand by me

So, let’s dance abundance
as we are all filled with Spirit
We can share our joy

with the rest of the world

Big Dog Joy

Big dog with the big mouth
and the big heart
Galumphed over to greet me
smiling and wagging
Cool reception
for all his exuberance
Still the smile and the waggle
could not be stifled



It is always about choice…

Each and every moment…
no matter what the circumstance
or physical evidence of truth
I choose joy or sorrow
…peace or strife

Oh, what a blessed variety!

Shiny Joy

Shiny Joy

His Spirit shines out
like a bright sun

Glorifying his experience
with the joyful Zen-ness of the day

While annealed
in the crucible of experience

My joy response
is very shiny!