Dead Flowers

Dead Flowers

Spirit’s Grace

The last of the candycane camelias still languish on my table. They are as beautiful now as when first picked, in a way that stirs the deepest crevices of my heart. I have not found it necessary to send them off to compost yet. I do so appreciate all of the beauty in this life.

Tame Pony

Tame Pony

Riding in the Wild World

Yes, this is a photo of me when quite young. I still remember this day, it was that exciting for me.  I was convinced that because of this one little sit on the photographers pony I had morphed into some kind of natural horse expert trick rider or something. I just always knew that I belonged on horses after that.  I’ve only ridden a few times in my life, still I hold a loving affinity for these beautiful loving creatures.

The Joys of Getting Clear

The Joys of Getting Clear

Sometimes I would prefer initially to avoid conflict of any kind. I’ve had this concept of me always being “nice,” and I thought that was a good thing for many years. Lately, in the last several years, however, I have discovered there can be great joy in constructive conflict.

I participate in a few different circles where it is more than acceptable to speak your mind and your heart. In order to be present for each other so that it is a safe environment to open up, it is most preferable to clear out any emotions that might get in the way of being present. So, I have learned some different techniques for getting clear about what I am feeling and where those feelings are coming from, with the ultimate goal being to reduce the charge of them.

In one anger workshop years back I discovered the power of holding space for someone to discharge their anger (even if that anger is directed at me). It can be a very joyous thing, especially when I come away with a deeper understanding how it is ok for me to express feelings like anger too. Yeah!

Joy of Life x3

Wow! OK, so I did not start writing on here everyday. However, I have been feeling great joy everyday!

First, and foremost in the JOY category lately has been the experience of becoming a Grandma. I am so very deeply grateful for being able to be at the hospital the day my granddaughter (the first grandchild) was born! There is much I would say, yet her parents are very private folks, so suffice it to say I am beside myself with joy! I am totally enchanted with this little girl, and looking forward to celebrating everyday of her life. What a precious precious gift. Life is joy.

I am doing more of what I love to do lately. And, I see the joy of that practice becoming even more prevalent in my life. With all the financial talk around the country, I find great joy in the expression of life, and the fact that I get to continue doing what I enjoy the most for a living.

Every day there is a new opportunity to expand on creative expression, to flesh out new ideas, and share new plans. Each moment, I find myself at choice: (1) to allow guidance to show me the next step in expression and feel the exhilaration of that surrender, or (2) to block that incredible blessing by shutting it down with some form of fear. More and more my moments are guided, and I am in joy – the real joy of life.

Awake, aware, alive, amazing life.