
Buzzing in the fields
They dance from bloom
to bloom to bloom
Mother’s helpers
providing connection
providing assistance
providing our food

Burrowing Owls

Out past the wild field
where the mustard blooms
and the crows fly
in the back forty
of the huge empty parking lot
There are the owls
quietly standing in ones and twos
watching the sunset
with silent reverence
guarding their burrows
in islands of dirt
Full of quiet dignity
as they’ve accepted their lot…

Daily Dalliance

A dalliance a day
just gazing at the sun
early morning ritual
standing on the earth
breezes kissing cheeks
grateful for the gift of life
grateful for this day
grateful for the warmth of sun
and his loving light
grateful for my mother earth
and the strength she does imbue
grateful for the winds of change
and the fire of Spirit
a dalliance with Beloved One

Coat of Colors

Coat of Colors

Cerulean with white
and fluffy above

Green as deep as emeralds
blanketing the floor

And here and there and everywhere
turned rust or red or golden.

How rich is that?

Her coat of many colors,
even as the portended
days of grey and frost
prepare to creep in while we sleep.