Digital Tribe

Digital connection
and all the “friend” inspection
sidesteps some detection
of our foibles and humanity
Yet, that imperfection
when under dissection
mirrors without trepidation
that which we may not see
The tribes are growing
through electronic knowing
A screen full of faces glowing
strangers, now close, discovering 

Tree Freeway

That same hidden branch there
That in the winter shown
Seemed not to fit, to be askew
Traversing space where
No other branches see fit to
It is the freeway ramp
The well-used connector
From all directions
For little squirrel
Who sat contemplating
In the sunlight
For a warm moment this morning….
Before zooming
down the on ramp
Once more

Connecting Threads

Interwoven passages
twined, twisted, knotted
midst straight warp
Lives interlocked
the circle of seven
weaving the fabric of our lives
All connected
threads of love and grief
anger and joy
inspiration and exhalation
Made of a cloth
You and I…


The most noxious weed
provides the best antidote
for those who suffer allergy

The most obnoxious person
provides the best antidote
For those of that strive
always for perfection

God bless them both

Gentle Greeting

Once a stick-bug
showed up on my screen door
It was startling to realize
this odd twig was alive
I felt fear
Yet, the stick-bug still greeted me
in his gentle stick-bug way
The Spirit in me

honors the Spirit in all living beings