Dappled light tickles the senses
awakening nimble thoughts
quieting busy busyness
Breathe deep
Verdant canopy in constant motion
even the slightest breeze
moves them to dancing
Perpetual motion
sweet peace
Ever I long for connection
with Spirit
Ever available in the garden
called Life
The hollow log
was home to many
and the breezes blew through
That dead old tree
gives life and sustenance
to the earth on the floor
of the living forest
Bugs and squirrels
burrowing or scurrying
winged or crawly
There’s a flowering,
even as winter approaches
multi-petalled blossoms
brilliant colors,
mind explodes in bouquets
of ideas and plans
epiphanies and aha’s
Mum’s the word…
Common blooms extraordinary
as leaves are falling