Soil of Understanding

Idea budding
twirled petals delicate
Perched upon the tip
of tiny thought twig
Borne of rising sap
and deep roots buried
In rich soil of understanding
Awaiting blossoming…

Simple Song

Simple little song
birthed from the depths of complication
Rises up as bubbles do
light and charming
Freckled by truth’s simplicity
a ditty from the soul
A gift from that child
who finally stopped to play

Fires of Inspiration

Fanning the flames of inspiration
with leftover gusto
from a night of sweet camaraderie
The flow of pure poetry
arose in his heart
in a burst of light and warmth

Cycle of Sacred Inspiration

There is a never-ending
supply of inspiration
Breathe it in
inhale the sweet perfume of Life
absorb it into every pore, every cell
In the moment of silence
listen to the whispers in the heart
Then exhale into “creativity”
release the flow of sacred breathe
There, in that quiet before inspiration
an infinite opportunity
the grace of gratitude…

Wheel of Life

The wheel of Life
while fully engaged
turns round and round
and again…
Inspiration (epiphany)
Instigation (footwork)
Integration (new habit)
Celebration (gratitude)